Free Your Mind And The Rest Will Follow

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Secret of the Universe

I have discovered the secret of the Universe.  Yep that's right.  Lil' ole me, Marnie from Minnesota has discovered one of the greatest mysteries of all mankind and I want to share it with anyone who will listen. Before I share it I will make this disclaimer, I by no means am the first or the only person to have figured this out.  In fact, this knowledge is our birthright and there have been MANY before who have spread the word. However, it still remains a mystery to most.  With that said are you ready to have your mind blown?
Here goes....

You create your own reality.

Look around you. Everything, everything, everything, good, neutral or bad is a result of your own doing.  Your  health, your financial situation, your house, your relationships, your moods, your friends and enemies- everything is a result of your thoughts. That is the essence of  I AM THAT.  We are co-creators with God.  God has given us free will to use the Divine Intelligence as we wish. This Intelligence, Divine Will, is neutral.  It is not good or bad, it is simply the creative force.  We are the ones who put a property of positive creation, neutral creation, or negative creation to it through our motivation and intent.  We are free to choose according to our disposition and desires.  Trouble is most folks have no consciousness of this at all and therefore allow their entire lives to be ruled and determined by their idle, material, or negative disposition, desires, and thoughts.  Everything is a result of your thoughts, your choices and your words.  Where people get tripped up is feeling as if they are victims rather than creators of consequence.

Watch your thoughts for they become your words.
Watch your words for they become your actions. 
Watch your actions for they become your character.
Watch your character for it becomes your destiny. -Bhagavad Gita

Once you begin to take control of your own thoughts you begin to take control of your destiny. If you think that something or someone else is responsible for the conditions in your life you give up all of your creative power and ultimately you become subject to whatever it is that you gave your creative power to.  It is called the biology of belief.  If you believe your condition is not curable you are absolutely right.  If you believe you can be cured and you are healthy you are absolutely right.  If you believe life is hard and you have to struggle to survive, guess what? You're right! However, if you believe that life is a blessing and you are content, you are also right!  You will live a life of ease.  It's that simple.

And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee.  And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.  Matthew 8:13

According to the Greek Dictionary:
believed - Pisteuo- faith, to have mental persuasion, to give credit, to be of opinion, to be entrusted with, confidence
be it done - Ginomai- to become, to be made or formed, to be made or created from nothing, to occur, come to pass, to be or become in general, to be done or performed, to be fulfilled, accomplished, to come to oneself, to have recovered ones senses or understanding

This scripture is a good example of the power of the biology of our beliefs.  A man (centurion) came to Jesus because his servant was ill with palsy and greatly tormented.  Jesus told the man that he would go to heal him. The man replied he was not worthy of having Jesus come into his home so he asked that Jesus speak the word only and his servant shall be healed.  Jesus was impressed by this mans faith and beliefs  that he spoke and healed the servant with his word. (Matthew 8:1-13)

It is our BELIEFS that are the driving forces in our lives.  Those things which we have mental persuasion towards, give credit to, be in the opinion of, entrust to or have confidence in.  Those are the creative, magnetic and driving forces in your life.

Which leads be back to the WORD and the creative force.  So in the last post I mentioned Sat Nam- "His Word is Truth."  God, the Divine Truth, Intelligence, speaks and that Word is creation.  Well wouldn't you know, your word is also truth?!!!  How else do you create your life- good, bad our neutral- but from your words. And where do your words come from but from your beliefs. If you say mentally to yourself and believe that which you are saying to be true, "I am fat, I am sick, I am broke, I am bored, I am so stupid" etc. you are putting the creative power of I AM THAT in to motion.  That is the Word- creation. We create our own realities with our beliefs, our thoughts, and our words.

When you understand this you become much more diligent about what you allow into your consciousness, what you think, say and believe.  That's why the scripture says, "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city" -Proverbs 16:32

According to the Greek Dictionary:
ruleth- Mashal- to rule, reign, govern, have dominion, to manage

This scripture is saying that the person who is able to rule, reign, govern, have dominion, and manage his or her spirit is greater than anyone who rules a city.  To be able to rule, reign, govern, have dominion and manage our thoughts and beliefs is one of the most challenging endeavors a person will will ever undertake. It is also the one of the most important because ultimately it is at the core of free will and creating our reality and destiny.

One last vital piece for this lesson, you do not have to believe everything you think. If you start to watch over your thoughts and you become aware that some of your thoughts are not good for you you can choose to think differently.  You can choose not to have faith or mental persuasion in those thoughts.  You don't have to give credit to,  or be of  the opinion,or entrust, or put your confidence in negative or untrue thoughts.  Once you are aware you are in control of your thoughts you choose what thoughts you put your belief systems and faith in and ultimately you create your own reality.

I know this is a lot to chew but I invite you to dive in. Sit with, ponder upon, and meditate on some or all of what I have shared.  I also would love to hear what you think or if you have questions please ask.  We all have room to grow and learn and I would love to be part of that with you. Peace be with you!

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