Free Your Mind And The Rest Will Follow

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Stop Feeding The Freeloading House Guest: Aka The Common Cold

    I thought I should do a post this week with some very practical information since so many people seem to be sick lately.  That said,  this post is about the food you eat and how it affects the common cold.  Food is powerful.  We all know that when you feed a stray dog, you have a friend for life. Or people will go to great lengths just for free food.  It could be the worst food ever but "hey it was free."  Maybe some of you have even had an experience with a house guest that overstayed their welcome because you just feed them so well.  Did you know that is exactly what happens when you get a cold?  The common cold is also a living organism and it loves to be fed too! Have you or anyone you known ever had a cold for weeks and weeks and weeks and you just can't seem to shake it?  That's because you gave it a free place to stay and fed it all the food it loves- why should it leave?  You have provided the perfect atmosphere for it to hang out for as long as it wanted while you trudge along miserable unable to figure out why you aren't getting better.  The more you feed it what it likes the longer it is going to freeload off of you.  This blog post is going to help you identify what type of cold you have, what foods to eat, and what foods not to eat to get rid of your cold much quicker.

    According to Chinese Medicine there are two types of the common cold: Wind-Cold and Wind-Heat   and how you and treat( (fed) both of these are very different.  

Wind-cold generally sets in first and last only 1-3 days. It starts with body aches especially in the neck and  shoulders, headache, scratchy throat, fever and chills but chills are more prevalent, nasal discharge that is clear and a cough.
Eat This (warm in nature foods)          
ginger, garlic, onions, black tea ,      
cinnamon, slightly cooked easily      
digested foods like rice,                  
vegetables, soups, grains, and          
noodles.Ginger tea (ginger, honey    
and lemon) is an excellent to warm
the body when wind -cold sets in.

Not That (cold in nature foods)      
Avoid cold beverages, green teas,     
ice cream or frozen treats, dairy, cold         
sandwiches, most meats because    
they are hard to digest, some            
organic chicken and eggs is ok         
in moderation,  raw fruits and                      
vegetables are also cold and            
should only be eaten in moderation.

Transforms from wind-cold and goes deeper into the body so it can last several days to several weeks. Symptoms include more fever than chills, the primary symptom is sore throat, sweating, irritability, thirsty, and there may be a cough and yellow nasal discharge.

Eat This      
Neutral and bland foods are best for wind-heat. 
Basically the same simple foods that you would
eat with a wind-cold but  with out the spice. Which
means easily digested foods like oatmeal, soups,
rice, steamed vegetables, noodles, etc. Peppermint
and Chrysanthemum tea with honey is excellent 
at clearing heat and soothing a sore throat.

Not That 
Wind-heat loves hot and spicy which are 
exactly the foods you should avoid.  Onions,
cinnamon, scallions, shallots,
garlic, beef, peppers, spicy foods, fried foods,
coffee, alcohol, smoking (adds heat to the body),
greasy foods,  and dairy (produces more phlegm).
Sugar, especially white sugar, is a cold's best friend
and your worst enemy!

    If you are like me every meal starts with garlic and onion and when you are sick with wind-heat they seem innocent enough, but believe me if you can avoid these for a day or two you will really be doing yourself a favor. Heck, even if you don't believe me just pay attention to how you feel when you are sick and you consume something off of the list of foods to avoid.  You will notice your symptoms instantly getting worse. The freeloaders are feasting, having a party in your house, laughing and thanking you for the good stuff.  It really is that simple.

   Whether you are dealing with wind-cold or wind-heat, light food intake is best. Why keep feeding the freeloader?  Fasting while only drinking the appropriate tea and water can also do wonders by forcing a cold out quickly but I only suggest fasting if you are experienced and comfortable with this practice.  Otherwise just eating as little and simply as possible is really the best thing you can do. Add drinking tea and lots of water and you can get over that cold in no time. And for that sweet tooth try sweets that are made with honey, maple, or agave rather than sugar. Also, in either case of wind-cold or wind heat avoiding dairy is best.  If you have any phlegm or nasal discharge dairy will only make matters worse. Trust me on this one! If you are willing to give up a few of your regular habits for a day or two you will be amazed at how quickly you can get over what otherwise might take weeks to leave. 

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