Free Your Mind And The Rest Will Follow

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Love is.....

This post is a tribute to my dad who was the embodiment of  Love and the one who taught me what it really means to love.

Love Is Patient- it is long suffering, it endures much wrongdoing or provocation without retaliation. It will put up with many slights from the one it loves and will wait patiently for the effects of it's love.
Love Is Kind- it want's to be useful and searches out ways and opportunities to do good.
It Does Not Envy- love does not complain nor is it bothered by the good of others. Envy is ill-will, love is good will. Love will never wish ill to anyone.
It Does Not Boast, It Is Not Proud-  Love does not puff up, it does not need flattery, but esteems others.  It does not disturb, is not cross or contradictory.
It Does Not Dishonor Others- Love is always on time, and does nothing out of place.  Love is courteous and honors and has good will towards others.
It Is Not Self-seeking- Love is the exact opposite of selfishness but embodies self-love first. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Love knows how to love self first then shares that love with others. But love doesn't seek out it's own to hurt others.
It Is Not Easily Angered- Perfect love casts out all fear - anger is just a manifestation of fear. Anger can not exist in the presence of love. If we burn with love in our hearts we can not kindle the flames of anger at the same time.
It Keeps No Record Of Wrongs- Love does not get revenge, nor does it cherish malice. Love does not keep tabs. It forgives and moves on. To forgive is to not be angry anymore. Love moves on lovingly.
Love Does Not Delight In Evil But Rejoices In Truth- Not only does love wish no ill to others but it certainly does not take delight or rejoice in harm or misgivings. Love is compassion for all in all situations. It delights in your joys and is saddened by your sadness.  Love rejoices and enjoys much satisfaction when truth prevails.
It Always Protects- Love will not display or announce others faults but is free to tell those faults to the other in private.
Always Trusts-  Love knows that love always wins and trusts the process, knowing that love endures.
Always Hopes- Love believes in the goodness in all and will make the best of everything.
Always Preserves- Love is always working to multiply, protect, keep itself continuing on. Love is never ending. Love lasts above all else.

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